Primary Care CPD Training

Website Design | Website Hosting

We have recently had our website designed by 79Design and we love it!! Throughout the design process Simon responded to emails very quickly and gave advice & support whenever it was requested.

Primary Care CPD Training

What they do
They specialise in providing affordable clinical training for primary care staff to develop and maintain their skills.

What we covered
Website Design, Website Hosting, WordPress SupportWordPress Training

Gedney, Spalding, Lincolnshire


The Brief

Lucy contacted us about her old website.  It looked old, ran very clunky, and just needed a total revamp.  It was WordPress, but built many years ago, when that look and feel, was current.

The website

She needed each course to have its own simple page with a form for users to submit their request for a booking.
The Contact method was a little disconnected, so we were asked if we could revamp that, as well as the Team page which was all over the place.

But we had a lovely chat with Lucy, over a coffee in a local cafe in Spalding, and really got to grips with the issues she had, so we knew how best to make it better.

We’ve enjoyed building this website for Lucy and her Team.  Very proud to be part of this business, to improve their online presence, and providing far greater levels of Website Support.

Director @ 79DESIGN

Our Solution

The website design

First job was to build this website entirely from scratch – no migration.  It was too much of a mess to ‘clean it up’, so we built it from zero.  New WP Theme, branded it to her look and feel, new images, and a drastically improved booking process, as well as overall design.

Bespoke WordPress Coding

The booking form needed a lot of bespoke coding.  While WP Forms allows you to show certain elements of it by default, such as the Page Title, we needed more to be preset, such as the venue, or the date and time, which is added in the ‘Page Builder’.

So we had this coded up to dynamically pick up that content.

We also needed to rework the way images worked on Courses, so that it would ‘resize/shape’ the image, meaning Lucy could upload any landscape photo and it would also crop it, to the site seen on screen.  It works beautifully.

primary care cpd training designs