• 22nd December 2018

Your Website SEO Auditor

Here to fix and improve your website

Your Website SEO Auditor

Your Website SEO Auditor 1024 528 79DESIGN Ltd

Voiceover for the partially sighted

Soon be 2019, or it might be 2019 when you read this.  Maybe it’s time to get your website’s Google position sorted out.  Appearing on page 3 or 4… or not even appearing at all?

Let’s take a look at the fundamental issues first, then go through it piece by piece to find out the causes.

Sometimes it’s simple with a website audit!

A website auditor will find out the core issues with your website.  If it is missing certain tags, image codes, optimisation, hosting issues, code issues generally.  There are many things we can find, but not always things we can ‘fix’.  This is all part of a website auditor’s job – to explain what the problems are, why they are problems, and potentially how we can resolve them.

A Website Audit: website healthcheck

If you send us your details through our Website Audit page, we can run an audit for you.  It’s a friendly audit, will list the issue we find, and if you are based near us, we can if you prefer, come to see you and show you the issues.

Some issues are long and take a little explanation.  Some are very obvious when they are pointed out to you.

The result of this Website Audit is that we might be able to fix it on your existing website, or it might take a revamp to make it right.  This will all be within the audit, and potentially proposal.

website audit healthcheck

It can be daunting submitting a Website Audit to a company, as you have no idea what you might get back.  Some massive list of problems, some you knew about, some you had no idea about – is this all ‘smoke and mirrors’?

We do it differently.

Firstly, we don’t just give you some long list of wrong, wrong, wrong… It’s not the way we do it.

We go through the outlined areas first, such as how it is hosted, how Google interprets pages, how it works on a phone.  Then there are the areas that a non-designer would never know about.  Tags, codes etc.  We can all enter a title and choose a heading type, but most non-designers have no idea what their actual purpose is.

We go through these, and if needed, face to face or on the phone we can explain it better.

If your site is ranking really badly, then it’s most likely because of this list of problems that could be discovered.  But it can usually be fixed.

website auditor


Unsure?  Get a Website Audit, and we can look into your website for you within the next few days.

All the best.

79DESIGN Support

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