• 10th January 2021

Why Choose WordPress to Power Your Website?

Why Choose WordPress to Power Your Website?

Why Choose WordPress to Power Your Website? 1024 642 79DESIGN Ltd

There are so many ways that your organisation would benefit from using a WordPress Website Designer for your website’s CMS platform.  To run your online business, to promote it, to sell its products and services.

Scale it up

WordPress just grows and grows with ease.  Over half the World’s websites use WordPress, and many of the top-10 websites use it too, serving content to millions every day.

It’s your website.  Your data.

Your website will never be locked in a supplier’s own system. You own all of your textual content, photos, products etc and can walk away with it anytime you want with zero charges for exporting it!  Wordpress has many ways to export your whole website if you wanted to.

Lots of User Levels

WordPress enables multiple user roles: these include super admin, admin, editor, author and subscriber already come built-in!  So you can control who can do what, and with a Store, you can have ‘Shop Manager’ too.

User-friendly and Word-like

A CMS like WordPress is so popular because it’s so easy to use, and adds to your Digital Marketing future. There’s some learning involved, to understand the basics of it.  We provide WordPress Training to individuals and companies alike.  But some folk can pick up WordPress and use it straight away.

Fabulous for Digital marketing

WordPress is a genius tool for marketers, publishers and business owners. It has built-in state of the art tools so you can preview, schedule a post, view revisions and much more that will make the life of your editorial team so much easier!  Imagine being able to schedule a post while you are away.  So clever.

Smarter SEO tools

WordPress gives you an amazing start to score high in search engines.  There are free as well as premium Plugins that enable you or your designer to boost your WordPress SEO with some relative ease.  It is the platform of choice for SEO professionals who want to get right up there.

A more secure website

WordPress has a comprehensively peer-reviewed source code. It is updated regularly, to keep up to date with the latest coding techniques.  Even companies and organisations like Facebook and Government departments use it.  If you are using the latest version, so are they.  And there are additional tools, mostly free, that helps keep you even more secure.

Unrestricted design talents

WordPress will not restrict your own vision or that of your website designer’s creativity.  There are many thousands of ‘Themes’ out there to Skin your website, however, we adopt just a few that enable us to do practically anything we want – anything you want too.  WordPress is a totally flexible CMS!

Top-end performance

Whatever your benchmarks, WordPress is ready to meet them.  Some very famous companies and sports stars use WordPress for their website, which huge traffic from all over the world, and WordPress handles it without breaking a sweat.  We can tap into a CDN and deliver your content in top speed around the globe as well.  Every aspect can be catered for.


WordPress powers 38% of the entire internet

% All Websites% CMS Market

WordPress Web Design and Woocommerce

With over 75 million installs, WordPress is the world’s biggest content management system.  We are a dedicated UK WordPress Agency. We provide web design, development and support services. We’ve been helping businesses realise their potential since 2009 and are proud to be an active member of the WP community.

Powering up to 30% of all online stores, Woocommerce is fast becoming the ecommerce website framework for small to large sized businesses. Woocommerce is a feature rich online shop that provides everything needed to sell online.

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