• 8th August 2024

Using Google Maps for Nationwide Exams Provider

Using Google Maps for Nationwide Exams Provider

Using Google Maps for Nationwide Exams Provider 860 572 79DESIGN Ltd
tutors exams map
tutors exams logo

We work heavily with a leading Exams Provider across the UK, tho they are in mulitple locations in South Africa as well.

They often ask us if we can do something or add something, but this time we had a bright spark idea.  When they have a change in locations, removing an item from a map (which is really rare, such as if they move from one place to another), or more commonly, adding a new place, it’s a big job.

We have to edit their existing JPG map image, use Embed code, and Responsive code to apply Hotspots on the image.  On a phone, it’s not brilliant.  It works, but not brilliant.

So we had this idea of using Google Maps instead to show these spots on the UK landscape, so the user can zoom in, see where it is, tap the icon to view more details, and click a button to go to that Exam Centre in the website.  Way more interactive, and adding or removing locations, is super simple.

Thinking of the user – and the client and their map

When a user visits the website, they want easy access to the information.  The previous way worked well on desktop, but not so much on mobile, as with more and more locations on their map, the text got small.

Now, they can go to it, zoom in, tap, view… visit.

It now costs our client less money to add a location, as we can still do it, but takes us considerably less time than with the graphic map.  When it started, it was a lovely solution.  But since we looked after their, their business has grown; we hope we played a bit of a part in that.  But with that, came more locations…

With so many locations around the UK for them now, won’t list them all here, as things change.  So take a look at their website: https://www.tutorsandexams.uk.

We are super proud to be part of their family, and to bring them new and exciting ways to progress even more online.

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