• 29th May 2014

New Just BB Guns Support System produced by 79DESIGN

New Just BB Guns Support System produced by 79DESIGN

New Just BB Guns Support System produced by 79DESIGN 150 150 79DESIGN Ltd

Just BB Guns has become such a vastly popular web site that they decided they needed a brand new support system being built – from the ground up.

As a result, we have completed this system that completely transforms how their customers keep in touch with them for all enquiries.

It avoids spam being lost by either party. All messages are stored so both parties have access at all times.
It’s also soon to be available as a mobile version, for even more portable access.

It’s a real breakthrough for the company and its customers.

Update: this was a followup article on our previous post about this new platform.  It went through a lot of design changing, new coding, R&D to get this working perfectly, but we got their JBBG Support website working perfectly.

It all came about through Spam issues they were facing, with emails just not getting through, or the customer not receiving the replies.  This tool came before many of today’s ticketing systems you can buy online.  We built it from the ground up.

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