• 15th January 2020

A new website for a new year

A new website for a new year

A new website for a new year 1024 571 79DESIGN Ltd

Quick question before we start:

How long is it into the ‘New Year’ before you can no longer say ‘new year’?

I ask this as this article is about the ‘new year’, and if you are reading this in February, that ‘time’ has now sort of ….. passed.  Anyhow, hang in there and read on.

New Year – New Website

It’s that time of the year (and indeed the decade) when one thinks of the best way forward for their business, and for their website too.  Shortly before Christmas we received quite a number of enquiries about website changes and updates, and since 2020 has arrived as well.  There is sometimes a fear of changing or upgrading, with the worry that costs might spiral, or switching provider can be painful.

website designer quoteOur goal is to create you the best website design you have ever had.  If your view is your website is “ok”, then could be it “brilliant“?  Does your SEO need boosting, with an improved service, better positioning, and greater (and faster) support?

79DESIGN is here to make all that happen (get out the red flowing cape!)

We have this passion for making things better for people.  Prime example of a real-world incident.  Just after Christmas we had an email from Hayley.  She’s here in Spalding and actually contacted us early 2019 about her website, hosting and over service she was receiving, and it wasn’t good.  She wanted to find someone better, someone local so she came to us – however – her provider was making it very difficult, and as such, she couldn’t move.

Google friendly websites

We know it’s important for your website to be listed on Google. This is why when we build your site we incorporate full SEO elements. For those needing more than on-site optimisation we also offer full SEO packages.

Just after Christmas 2019 she got in touch to say…. now she could!  The domain has been moved to our system, and the website will soon be moved as well.  Then we can do some solid SEO work for her and give her the service she really wants.

Obviously we won’t name full names or businesses here, and Hayley, if you are reading this: Hi.  Glad to have you with us.

We also had an enquiry from a local lady just outside Spalding asking if her small business website would be too small for us to deal with here.  We handle a great many website projects: some are pretty darn huge and gather 10,000s of thousands of hits a day.  Others get maybe 50!  It’s true.  Ever business needs a website, and we believe they should all be fabulous.  So why shouldn’t yours?

Get a Quotation

Do not hesitate in at least asking us for a Quotation.  There is no obligation, and we will take good care of you.

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